Make an Appointment: 905-333-0072 |   [email protected]

  • Psychoeducational

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    Psychoeducational assessments are often a necessary part of determining a child’s specific learning needs. They provide the required cognitive testing, diagnosis, and academic recommendations to help them succeed in school and maximize their abilities. SVA provides Psychoeducational Assessments that can be used within the public, private, Catholic school boards, as well as for post-secondary institutions. Common types of problems that can affect someone’s learning include:


    • Learning Disabilities
    • Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Attachment Disorder, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety Disorder)
    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
    • Disruptive Behaviour Disorders (e.g. Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
    • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
    • Giftedness/IQ Testing
    • Mood Disorders (e.g., Depression)

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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